Merchants of Fortune

Merchants of Fortune is a trading Euro game for 2-4 players. During the game, players compete to build the biggest trading empire on a small island community. They take turns building towns, roads, railways, and generating resources - all of which help them score Fortune, earn money, or take extra actions. Players use dry-erase markers to add roads to the map however they see fit, only limited by their imagination and their bank account. When one player has collected ten Trade cards or added all ten of their tokens to the map, the game ends and players will score their empires.

  • Players : 2-4

  • Difficulty : MEDIUM

  • Duration : 45-90 MINUTES

Provided Components

Additional Components



Merchants of Fortune - Setup

Merchants of Fortune - Setup Map

Merchants of Fortune - Starting Tableau

Merchants of Fortune - Endgame

Merchants of Fortune - Endgame Map

Merchants of Fortune - Endgame Tableau