Ruddy Muckers
Ruddy Muckers is a game about the American political scene of the early 1900s. Each player takes on a different role: two players represent the party nominees, one player represents the press, and one player represents the public. Over the course of a few rounds, players will add cards to their tableau to help their progress, hinder their opponents, or take special actions. Players must use their wits and wile to outsmart their opponents, and no scandal is too much to handle.
Players : 2-4
Difficulty : MEDIUM
Duration : 45-75 MINUTES
Provided Components
135 cards
4 Player cards
4 sets of 30 cards​
11 Vote cards
Score track
Private Vote tokens
First player token
TOTAL : 15 double-sided A4 sheets, 1 double-sided Letter sheet, 10 single-sided Letter sheets
Additional Components
10 tokens in each color - Red, Black, Green, Blue
1 current round marker
Ruddy Muckers - Setup
Ruddy Muckers - Midgame
Ruddy Muckers - Endgame
Ruddy Muckers - Endgame Player Tableau
Ruddy Muckers - Endgame Scoretrack